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Ces53 ( Real name: Tonny van Hoenderloo van Zandt) is a graffiti & fine artist, active since 1985.

Ces53 started doing graffiti in 1985 becoming a king of Europe in the early 90s not only because of his unsurpassed creativity but also because he was the one of the biggest trainbombers of his time, easily keeping up with the renowned New York kings and painting with them (Sento, Wane, Reas, Dash, Pure en CesFX a.o.). He is especially famous for his one man colour whole cars.

After picking up classical oil painting in 1987 he studied at the WDKA art academy in the 90s were he refined his oil and acrylic techniques and started to make impressionistic and expressionistic works, at the same time he also got a taste of conceptual modern art.

Between 1999 and today he has been studying sculpturing including jade carving, stone carving, ceramic working and metal casting in Guatemala, Mexico and Birma.

11 Responses to “History”

  1. DEELAROCK Says:

    Now you see, times goes to fast.
    I send you soon that package as promised.
    Great stuff here as ya know.

    Peace The D

  2. EasL Says:

    Volgend jaar is het voor jou alweer 25 years of graffiti, steady rockin!

  3. wow gold Says:

    A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever

  4. Booyabase Says:

    True inspirator always & forever. Big up!

  5. Zus Says:

    Ziet er goed uit, ouwe draak!
    Ben trots op je…
    Kus Zus

  6. P. Says:

    Apart from staying innovative and exploring new grounds for more then 2 decades, it is the unprecedented work ethic that in my opinion graces you the most. much respect!

  7. JeeS Says:

    Great work! funky originator…keep doing!!

  8. OUWUH Says:

    Respect… dutch finnest!

  9. RIGSTA ONE Says:


  10. dr chess 87 Says:

    legend for life

  11. DENZ Says:

    Sinds jaar en dag DE beste bomber!

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